Thursday, October 7, 2021

Five Fall Favorites: Hope

Yippee ki-yay-ki-yay, today is a special day! (if you get that reference, LET'S BE FRIENDS.) (Who else here always copied Mr. Lunt's accent when they quoted "look, I made a frosting cow"??) Okay, I guess today isn't necessarily any more special than the rest of the days this week. I just wanted to say that. And I thought it would be clever. *cackles*

Welcome to the orchard! For some people, picking apples just screams FALL! For me...well...I did my apple picking about a month ago. BUT I love apples, and being in the orchard with everyone wearing their scarves and boots and flannel is giving me allll the fall vibes and it's so epic. Hey! Hey you, over by the green ladder! I love your outfit! Anyway, grab a bushel basket and have some fun! And psst *whispers* you might want to leave some room in there for some of these books. They're all about hope, and you won't want to miss any of them.

(NOTE: every link that you click will open a new tab in your browser. I know how annoying it can be to leave the original post.)

Freedom - Faith Potts

If you've been around for the last while, you know that this is a book that I'll scream about from the rooftops. It made me laugh, made me want to cry, and honestly just made me want to hug everyone in the book. The message is incredible, and while it's not a feel-good made me so happy. Find my review here.

Stop the Rain - Kassie Angle

Ready for your heart to be shattered? For real, y'all...this one is incredible, but it's also one that will rip you to shreds. One of those books that I couldn't put down but also couldn't deal with all the emotions that came with it, haha! Read my full review here.

Whose Waves These Are - Amanda Dykes

What is this piece of beauty, you ask? Again, one that will rip you into a million tiny pieces. I mean, granted, all of the books that I recommend today will do that to you. But this one...*deep breath* The selflessness of a man that sees himself as selfish. Thinking through this book, y'all, and reliving all of the emotions...yeah okay I'm a mess now.

All Manner of Things - Susie Finkbeiner

I really, really adore this one. I pegged within the first couple of chapters who would die (priorities, don't ya know) but did that keep me from falling in love with said character? No. No, it did not. But the story just...*sigh* the title says it all—it's a line from a poem that says "All manner of things shall be well." It'll be okay. Maybe not now, but it will be. Find my short review here.

The Torch Keepers - Hosanna Emily

I was not prepared for how hard-hitting this book was. Knowing the author's propensity to write deep and meaningful blog posts, I should've expected it. But this book impacted me in ways I can't even explain. Let's just say that...I needed this one. Read my review here.

You know the drill—off with you to the Literary Lodge! Epicness awaits.

And, of course, the giveaway... (can you tell I'm running out of creative ways to announce all these things?)

C'mon, hit me with your best hope-filled recs. Might as well keep shredding my heart while I'm at it.


  1. Yesss. I've read (and loved!) three books on your list, and I think you know which three I have reference to. ;) I really need to finish reading "Whose Waves These Are."

    1. Hehe, yep, I think I know. ;)
      GASP! You haven't finished it yet?! Girllll I have to know what you think of it!!

  2. Wow, I can't believe how many books I'm adding to my TBR today!! :D I'd never heard of any of these except Stop the Rain... which I really really want to read, btw :D Thanks for sharing!! <3

    1. Yeah, so many good suggestions!! Ohmygoodness YESYESYES that is an EXCELLENT choice.

  3. Dare I admit it? I haven't read a single book on this list. The first two I've heard about many times, but I haven't read them.
    But thanks for letting me pick apples with you. :D

    1. *peers at you through my monocle* Rebekah A. Morris, what have you been doing with your life?! Hehe, jk, but you really must. ;)

  4. STR. Torch Keepers. Freedom. Yup <33
    I really want to read the other two!!

  5. I want to read all of these!!! *heart eyes* Except for Stop The Rain, that book was sooo good. </3

  6. I have a greater interest in reading so many books because of this party. Thank you for taking the time to share these with me.


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