Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Preptober: What I'm Writing in November

 November is less than one week away. Like...WHAT. #mindblown

Anyway, yeah, it's also the month where writers do dumb things like try to write an entire novel in thirty days. Do we learn from these experiences? If by 'learn,' you mean realizing that it's a bad idea, then...no, no, we do not. This year, I'm just trying to make November a month dedicated to writing over other hobbies. Will I succeed in fifty thousand words? Probably not. But one can always hope, yes? ;) I decided not to participate with the official NaNoWriMo this year (there's been a whole lotta conflict on this subject, so I won't add my own voice to it except to say that I just want to do my own thing this year), nor with the King's Daughters' Writing Camp with which I participated in July (mainly bc that group personally took more effort and interaction than I'm willing to give during a month dedicated to writing and not social interaction *cough*). I joined a tiny group chat on Instagram, but that's it and I have to say that I'm super glad that I'm not joining anything bigger! (less commitment, ya know)

So. After that boring spiel, what am I planning to work on writing-wise in November? Well.

I was originally going to work on a secret project that's been stewing in my lil' bwain and in which I finally wrote a few hundred words...but suddenly my mind went "HeY LOOk it's yOUr Old BUDdY wANtinG tO be WrITTeN" so I started listening to this other story's playlist nonstop (NeedtoBreathe, Glen Campbell, Simon & Garfunkel, Bryan Adams, Tim McGraw-esque), wrote a couple thousand words in it, aaaaand yeah. I'll be working on this other WIP in November.

At least, that's the plan.

So. What is this unnamed story???

Drumroll, please...

...unfortunately, that's exactly what this is. An unnamed story. BUT not only is it an unnamed story, it's also the sequel to Little Boy Blue! *queue applause and fanfare*

Honestly I wasn't planning to start this story at all until I had edited LBB. Buuuut I think maybe God has other plans. 'Cause this story...well, let's just say it's got a whole lot better foundation and set themes than its prequel. (For real, LBB is a train wreck that I don't even know will see the light of day)

What's it about? Welllllll...honestly I don't really wanna go into that too much. 'Cause I talked all the time about Little Boy Blue and look where that thing's sitting—buried in my docs with a few future years' worth of dust sitting on top of it. 

If I don't want to share much about it, why did I bring it up? Well, I figured it was about time to give y'all a quick writing update. And I wanted to see if any of you have any title ideas. ;)

I will say that this story doesn't follow the life of Micah, my protagonist in Little Boy Blue, but a different and very important secondary character. Who is trying to get on with life. And forget what's happened before. Because pAIN.

A few titles that I've thrown around:

Hey Diddle Diddle

Hush, Little Baby

Jack and Jill

Three Blind Mice

(Yes, I realize that those last couple sound a little bit strange, but I think they've got good potential if you pair them with a good plot line) (also notice how I'm trying to keep the three-word nursery rhyme theme going)

Anyway. There's my writing update, barely readable as it is. It's late evening as I write this, soooo I'll blame it on that. *nods*

What's your writing project, friends? Planning on joining NaNoWriMo? Have any title ideas for me?


  1. Yayayayayay!!! *cheers and confetti* I'm so excited for the new WIP! Best of luck!! <3
    (also, I just *love* everything about this post. it made me smile. :D thanks for that bit about KDWC. it's one of my main reasons why I haven't wanted to join the camp in either month, but I didn't know how to put it into words like you did.) *grins*

  2. Eeeee! Can't wait!!! Have fun!! I plan to do my own NaNo too :)


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