Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My Least Favorite Bookish Tropes

After the blog tour and Five Fall Favorites, who else is ready for my blogging schedule to return to normal?? ;) *raises hand*

So, I enjoyed talking about my favorite bookish tropes so much that I decided to share some of my least favorite tropes! 'Cause, ya know, who doesn't love a rant post?

WARNING: I will be giving examples. You may love some of the books that I use. Read at your own risk.

Let the fun begin!

1. Enemies to lovers.
*Cackles* I know that mine isn't a popular opinion. So if you love the enemies-to-lovers trope, more power to ya. But honestly, y'all, it's so . . . so . . . cliche. (And I kinda don't like romance anyway, sooooo)
"I hate you." 
"I hate you too." 
*runs around trying to knock each other's heads off* 
"Oh my word I'm so sorry, are you okay?" 
"Yeah, you?" 
"I'm fine, but that doesn't matter; I love you so much, I can't believe I didn't see it before!"
"Me too! Oh my goodness, we have so much in common! I guess I just hated you all these years to protect myself from my attraction to you."
"Same, homie. Truce?"
"Oh, of course! Let's kiss!"
(And yeah, this practically happened in Strands of Truth. Review coming eventually.)

2. Nosy journalists.
C'mon, y'all, let the police do their job! I get that it's a reporter's job to uncover the truth and expose it, but . . . I don't know. Books about journalists just grate on me. They seem to have this innate desperation for vigilante-ism. (Like Gabby in The Killing Tide.) They also seem to think that they're untouchable and can do whatever they like, sneak wherever they want, and no harm is gonna come to them. *headesk*

3. Perfect characters.
Perfect characters drive me insane. Y'all, no one is perfect. Books should be wholesome and encouraging, not depressing that we don't act like so-and-so that gets all the attention and humbly turns it away from him/herself. I mean, it would be amazing if we could actually be that way. And some authors can actually pull it off. But y'know what I find a lil' bit farfetched? This is what basically happened in One More Sunrise:
"Are you a Christian, young man?"
*Grins broadly* "Why, yes, I am." *Quotes about 19202 Scriptures by memory*
"Oh, what fortune we have been blessed with to find a man so devout like yourself! I'd like to introduce you to my nephew; he's a Christian, too."
"What a joy to hear of another fellow brother!"
"Indeed! And my neighbor down the street is a Christian too, and my doctor, and the milkman, and pretty much every character in this book . . . "
You get the picture.

4. Country hicks.
This is just a bit of a pet peeve since I'm a farm girl myself. Some people seem to think that if you don't live in a city, you're as uncivilized as a Jeff Foxworthy redneck. No. Just . . . just no. Y'all, believe it or not, we have plumbing. *Gasp* And, newsflash: we have running water. *Dies from the shock* Okay, okay, here comes the REAL shock . . . we have things called smart phones. To give you even more of a heart attack, we have social media.  Not everyone goes to a tiny lil' church in the middle of nowhere (though that may or may not be true of me . . . *cough*). I know two farmers that use flip phones (like in Martin Hospitality). We go to college, get degrees, write books, feed the world . . . things like that. Farmers aren't dumb, 'kay? Don't write books that portray them as  a few bricks short of a full load and missing their front teeth.

5. Animals take precedence.
*Ducks all the tomatoes thrown at me* All right, all right, I get that animal lovers are gonna love animals more than almost anything else. But really. They're animals. They weren't created in the image of God. Sure, God created them, so we need to take care of the ones He has placed under our care. But, y'all, they're animals. It's okay to put your own needs before theirs. Don't starve yourself just because you don't want your pet to die. Don't make them more important than the people around you.

What are your least favorite tropes? Mad at me now? *Ships you virtual make-up chocolate*


  1. THESEEEE THESSSEEE THESSEEEE. I hate these, too. xD

  2. YES YES YES! Though I took the enemies to lovers in my novel...*oops*
    I also hate when lover converts love interest to good side and it's an easy ride once said human converts....or the love triangle where you know for sure who goes with who.
    Life is rarely so cut and dry

    1. *cackles* I'll try not to hold it against you...;)
      Ugh, yes, those two as well...I should just write a post ranting about romance XD

  3. YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. That last one was part of the reason I was hesitant to write a dog in a main role in my novel—and I’m a huge animal lover... XP On the flip side of the fourth one (which also gets on my nerves!) is having city folks be totally snobbish and not know how to do anything. I love being in the country, but I’m really only used to living in big cities and can still hold my own with the best of them. AND JOURNALISTS. I have to hand it to *some* journalists—Oliver North’s books and We Were Soldiers <33–but srsly, if we say a book reads like a journalist wrote it, that means we really didn’t like it... XD


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