Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Books So Nice I Read Them Twice

I was looking through my Goodreads yesterday and saw a shelf I labeled as "re-read" and I thought, ya know, I so rarely re-read books, I should share about the ones I have. 'Cause, y'know, those that I actually take the time to read over again are going to be good, right??

(It's not that I dislike re-reading...in fact, I really enjoy it! But there's sooooo many other unread books that scream for my attention *cries*)

Some of those are just 'cause I started an old series that I loved as a kid and decided to read the rest, even if they didn't keep me hooked as much as they used to.

But others? Well, I'll just list 'em here for your convenience. And to rant about them. *grins* So, in no particular order...

(P.S. If you click on the covers, it will take you to their Goodreads page. You're welcome. *grins*)

Books so nice I read them twice

Defy by Tricia Mingerink

I know y'all have heard me rant about this series before, and I'll do it again! The Blades of Acktar series is sosososo gooooood. Like, hands-down one of my all-time favorite series ever. I was afraid that reading them again for the second time was going to detract from them (But I decided to read them all a second time since my amazing writing partner gave me book 6 recently), but noooope. Just as good the second time, and you know that's really saying something. (this is the third book in the series, but my favorite. *grins*)

In 27 Days by Alison Gervais

Not quite as good the second time around, but still amazing nonetheless. I love Hadley and Archer's story, and the plot and paranormal elements are super unique. Archer's family is sooo much fun, and getting to know his character is just...yessss. *hugs book* definitely a five-star read! You can find my review here.

Never Say Goodbye by Sarah Grace Grzy

This one is sooooo sweet, y'all! I read it to review, but once I finished, I couldn't decide what to rate it, so I picked it back up and read it again! After reading Live Without You, I reallllyyyyyy wanted to read Ty's story, and I definitely wasn't disappointed! Murrae was the most adorable lil' baby girl ever, and hearing her little voice say "gen'le" wasn't hard to imagine. *grins* Read my review here.

Fallen Angel by Jeff Struecker & Alton Gansky

Again, I know you've heard me rant about this series. I actually just reread them all but the last one this year (couldn't bring myself to read that last one bc 1 - it's so different from the others and that makes me nostalgic, and 2 - I didn't want the series to eeeennnnnndddd), and...yeah. Another all-time favorite series. Military thrillers, anyone??? (Again, this is the third in the series, and my favorite...I must have a thing for third books)

A Question of Honor by Jesseca Wheaton

So, to be fair, I beta-read this one back in...2015, I think? But I re-read it as soon as I got a paperback copy, and it still WRECKED me. *faints* I really, really wanna re-read the rest of the trilogy. Like, soon. Jesseca was the person that hooked me on World War II fiction, and this book helped her cause. David, Gil, the RAF...*nods and shoves the book toward you* go read it.

Moccasin Trail by Eloise Jarvis McGraw

This is one that's like coming home. It's a comfort read to me, and I don't even know why! I just know that I loved it the first time I read it...and the second...and I still go back and read parts of it sometimes. Maybe it's the historical aspect of the westward-bound Conestoga wagons, coupled with the found family trope. It's an old book, maybe even a classic I think (I'm not a huge fan of classics), but I love this one.

Do you enjoy re-reading books? What are your old favorites?


  1. AHHH! I really don't need any more books added to my TBR list but all of these look so awesome! In fact, my sister just started The Blades of Acktar series last week and already finished book three (which is also her favorite so far). So, I'm definitely going to read that series ('cause if I don't she'll never forgive me XD). I'll also have to recommend A Question of Honor to my friend because she's c.r.a.z.y. about everything WW2!

  2. Yes!! I totally agree with you!! I love to reread books but there's just so so many unread books out there I can't ever hardly bring myself to reread books! But that just shows you that the books I do reread have gotta be pretty awesome! (Like The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. *heart eyes* I just recently finished that one for the third time and already want to read it again!) I loved this post, Kaitlyn!!

  3. I've got so many rereads I don't even know how many. XP "Grisly Grisel" by Charlotte Younge is one of my favorites. (Though it has a kinda slow start)... And I really need to read Jesseca's "Questions of War" series.


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