Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Wake Up

The world needed hope. So God set us Jesus.

The world needed stability. So God sent us Jesus.

The world needed a Savior. So God sent us Jesus.

He opened our eyes. Gave us a reason to live. To rejoice while the world is in turmoil.

But we've fallen asleep. We've become lax. We've become too comfortable in our blessings that when something becomes uncomfortable, we turn our back and say "God wouldn't make me do something I don't want to do." We forget that when our will is aligned with his, what He wants is what we want. Even if it's hard. Because when we fully trust Him, we know that it's all going to work out in ways we couldn't have imagined, even if we don't like it for now.

If there's one thing that I've learned in 2020, it's that God often calls us out of our comfort zones—'cause His strength is made perfect in our weakness. When we know that we're not relying on our own strength, that's when God shines the most in our lives.

This Christmas (and after Christmas, too), step out of your comfort zone. Make that phone call. Pay that visit. Do something you wouldn't normally do—watch for ways to make someone's day special. I'll do my best, and I hope you will too.

Write that story that you're afraid to write. Write it because the world needs hope. 

Take that leap of faith that you've been feeling tugging at you. Make that decision that'll change everything.

Wake up and rise to the challenge that God has set before you. It's terrifying. It's paralyzing.

But it'll be worth it.

(speaking to myself tbh)

The world still needs hope. Still needs stability. Still needs a Savior.

So shine your light. Carry your candle. And go light your world. (bonus points if you recognize what song that's from)

A little disjointed, but...thanks for sticking around and reading. <3

On that note...yep, it's that time of year again! Click on the image ^^up there to visit Faith's blog, check out the other blogs in the party, and enter the GIVEAWAY!

Now that you've heard my spiel...what's something that's been heavy on your heart lately?


  1. 🥺🥺🥺 please, America, wake up...

  2. Love this post, and that song. <3 I've had it on my playlist for a while now. Definitely a message everyone needs to hear.
    <3 <3 <3

  3. Love, love, love. <3

    (Also, I know the song, so where's my bonus points??)


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