Tuesday, January 5, 2021

New Year, New Changes

For so many people, 2020 was an awful year. But while I feel kinda bad saying this, knowing how most people say how horrible it was...for me it was a really good year. I grew a lot. I learned new things, and the extra time spent at home was my introverted dream.

My germophobic self was thrilled when everyone started doing what my family has tried to do all along: wash hands when out in public and don't get in everyone's faces.

I won't go into detail here—you can read the post I did on Instagram.

Anyway, my word for 2021 is ONWARD. It's time to move forward in life. I'm not completely sure what that looks like...but I do believe that my schedule will be changing. I still plan to keep blogging a part of it, though reading time may dwindle a bit and I might have to slow down on the book reviews. I still hope to write some, though I don't plan on making it a priority (I'll try to keep up with the Throwback Tuesday posts...heh). When I first published Beloved, I didn't have any publishing dreams; I never thought I'd be published one day anyway. But now I do have publishing dreams. (I just won't tell you about it yet. *smirks*)

So. Like I said, my time is going to become limited. I'll be looking to host some guest posts in the near future, and I won't be opposed to some collaborations. If you've got some ideas in that aspect, you can comment them below or email me using the form on the sidebar. ;)

All this to say...I'm not planning on disappearing from here. Not yet, anyway. Let's see what the year holds.

Happy new year, y'all. Let's take the world by storm.


  1. I love your word for the year and I know this year will be one for the books! Praying for you! <3

    (I’d love to do a collaboration post with you if you have any ideas!)

  2. I love how you pointed out so much good in 2020! This introvert did enjoy some extra alone time. :)
    And collaboration posts sound amazing!!


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