Tuesday, September 3, 2019

13 Reasons Why Blog Tour - Day 2: Story Inspiration

Welcome to day 2 of the 13 Reasons Why blog tour! Today I'll be talking about the inspiration behind Beloved.

Have you ever felt depressed? Like no one cared?

I have.

In the summer of '16, I wondered what my place in this world was. Was I really worth anything? Did anyone actually care?

I knew the answers—I knew that I was loved. I knew that God had a purpose for me. But sometimes, even though you know something is true, that doesn't mean that it actually penetrates your mind. Or, at least, for me. I knew it. I thought I believed it. But everyone needs a reminder now and again—I just didn't realize it at the time.

So one evening, I was out in the garden browsing Pinterest (multitasking at its finest). I found a pin that read, "I'm the girl you never want." That phrase really hit me—it was exactly the way I'd been feeling. So I saved it to a new board, and after scrolling some more, found another pin—this time a picture of a limp girl being carried out of water by a soaked young man. This birthed the idea for what would later be titled Beloved. 

Everyone needs to be told that they are loved. That they are important. That they are worth something. I wrote this story to spread Jesus, and to tell anyone who needs to hear it that He loves them. Beyond measure.

Today's reason to live: food. Everyone needs food to survive. It's a part of who we are, who God created us to be. I love food—without it, we'd die. But we need the right food, too—if we put the wrong food into our bodies, the effects can be nearly as bad as eating no food at all. Just like our minds—if we listen to the lies that tell us we're not worth anything, that no one cares . . . letting the devil feed us those lies is like eating the rotten food that ruins us from the inside out. But filling ourselves with the right mindset, the fact that Christ makes us priceless, is the food that we really need.

Visit Faith's blog for the inspiration behind her book, Freedom!

Life without love is hopeless. 

Foster teen Cara Richards is unloved. With nothing left and nowhere to go, she is determined to find peace, no matter the cost. But despite her intentions, she’s tossed into another foster family and this time, there’s no going back to who she used to be. To make matters worse, one of her five new foster brothers is a Jesus freak, and she refuses to believe that God actually cares.

Her world is thrown upside down in a way she never expects. Though she prides herself on a resilient heart, her mind is lost adrift among a sea of questions: Is death really the answer? Does God care about someone as unworthy as me? Can everyone truly be loved, no matter what?

Having just returned to American soil from the desert sands of the Middle East, James Greene is done with his life. 'Double amputee' doesn't seem like a strong enough phrase to label the physical and emotional pain he bears. Add the lack of love and communication with his family members, the demons that haunt him day and night, and he can find nothing worth living for. Ending it all is the only way out. 

Alexandria Lorance is a not-so-ordinary physical therapist, content with aiding in her patients' recoveries. Her work gives her fulfillment, but alone in the silence, she still endures the hidden scars of a past, unhealthy relationship. Reminding herself that true healing is found in Christ alone, she seeks to show kindness and love to everyone she meets.

When these two broken ones' paths intersect, the spark of friendship is ignited, bringing hope and joy to both. Can they step out of the darkness of suffering and into the freedom of grace? 

A Marine, broken by war. A therapist, scarred by words. A chance meeting in a parking lot bonded them together. But can love grow in these two hurting hearts? Or are they truly too broken to ever find lasting happiness?

Blog Tour Stops

Click on the image to be redirected to the giveaway
Grand prize: signed paperbacks of Freedom and Beloved
2nd prize: signed paperback of Freedom or Beloved
3rd prize: ebook of Freedom or Beloved

(Should anyone outside of the US win 1st or 2nd place, ebooks will be substituted for the paperbacks.)

Fill your mind with the right food—and choose life, peeps.


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