Thursday, July 4, 2019

Book Review: The Dead Don't Dance by Charles Martin

A sleepy rural town in South Carolina. The end of summer and a baby about to be born. But in the midst of hope and celebration comes unexpected tragedy, and Dylan Styles must come to terms with how much he's lost. Will the music of his heart be stilled forever--or will he choose to dance with life once more, in spite of sorrow and heartbreak?

The Dead Don't Dance is a bittersweet yet triumphant love story--a tale of one man's spiritual journey through the darkness of despair and into the light of hope.

My rating:

Now, before that title (and cover) starts freaking you out, let me tell you now that this is not a creepy murder story, 'kay?

Okay . . . um, I'm not even sure where to start. I fell in love with this book right away, with both the characters and the writing style. I've read one other book by Charles Martin, When Crickets Cry, and I have to say that after reading only two books by him, I'm in love with his style.

So, to talk about The Dead Don't Dance . . . again, where to start?? This is one of those books that you just can't put down, but it's not necessarily because the plot is fast-moving. Far from it, actually. Yet the description was incredible, the plot engaging, and the writing style flowed like nothing I've ever read before. This was just one of those books that, once finished, you just set in your lap and stare into space, saying, "wow."

What specific things made this book special? 
Well . . . um . . . all of it? But first of all, Maggie. She's one of those characters that you just fall in love with right away. And Dylan? I don't know, it's something about his narration that really made the come alive. (I mean, technically it was Charles Martin's narration, but pfft, minor details) Amos was so epic. That one friend that stood with Dylan throughout the whole ordeal.

Another thing—Dylan's teaching job?? I was so, so excited when he started working with dropouts!! And I wasn't disappointed! And the way it all came together in the end just . . . *cuddles book*

There were some crude comments made that I might've liked kept out, but nothing awful. Actually, if anything, it probably made the book more realistic.

I feel like there really isn't much else I can say without giving spoilers. Just go read it. *shoos you off to the library*


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