Tuesday, June 16, 2020

The Mystery Blogger Award

I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award! (Super cool, am I right??) As with all tags, let's get to the rules first, and then the fun part. *rubs hands*

-Put the award logo/image on your blog(^^)
-Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. (Thank you, Libby May!)
-Mention the creator of the award and provide a link. (Okoto Enigmas)
-Answer the 5 questions you were asked. 
-Tell your readers three things about yourself.
-Nominate 10-20 people.
-Notify your nominees by commenting on their blogs.
-Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice, with one weird or funny question.
-Share a link to your best post.

Okay, so now for the questions Libby gave me!

1. If a friend asked you for a verse of encouragement, which is the first one that comes to mind?
Psalm 46:10 - "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted in the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" This verse has been my motto for quite some time now. When I start to doubt, when I start to wonder if God's really doing what's best, He whispers this verse to my heart. It's as if he's saying, don't freak out—I've got this.

2. How do you keep your spirit up on a day to day basis?
Music! Music, music, music. I've got several playlists that I listen to depending on what mood I'm in, but especially my 'perspective' playlist—when I need shift my focus from me and what's around me back to the bigger picture, I'll listen to this.

3. Have you ever worked in retail? What was your worst part?
Heh, um, nope. Easy answer.

4. What is your favorite flower?
*grins* sunflowerrrrrrrs. But I also loooooove irises and hollyhocks and Shasta daisies and lilacs and wildflowers and....yeah. Pretty much all of 'em. Because I loooooove flowers. *beams*

5. Would you eat peanut butter off a spoon?
Um...yes? I mean, I'm not a huge fan of peanut butter, but I'm not totally opposed to it. Besides, I used to eat it off a spoon all the time when I was little, so it's not like it's anything new to me. *shrugs*

Okay, now for the three things about myself:
-I count everything. The silverware that I put away from the dishwasher, the amount of steps I take from one end of the house to another...our basement stairs (I still count them e v e r y time, even though I already know there's 13)...
-I greatly dislike wearing shoes & socks, especially in the spring/summer
-I can't wear my hair in a ponytail (unless it's super low) bc it's too long & thick & heavy and makes my scalp hurt

And now, my best post. I'll just go with what I personally believe was my best post...

I nominate:
Brooklyne @ Showers of Blessings
Ellen @ Ellen's Musings
Faith @ Stories by Firefly
Katja @ Little Blossoms for Jesus

Aaaaaand...um...sorry, but I'm drawing a blank here...

Your questions:

1. What songs have you been listening to on repeat lately?
2. What's a Bible verse you always turn to for encouragement?
3. If someone were to ask you for FIVE book recommendations ONLY, what would you tell them?
4. If you could pick any sport to be super good at, what would you pick?
5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

This new Blogger is screwing with me...


  1. I loved reading this!! <3 Thanks for the nomination. You asked some awesome questions, and I can't wait to answer them!! (ahhh, I really need to catch up on all these awards/tags SOON.) :D

  2. I love your playlist! And I could totally eat peanut butter off a spoon! Thx for the tag! Can’t wait to do this one! XP

  3. Sweet! I followed you on Spotify. Thank you for sharing these answers!

  4. I enjoyed reading this. I, too, don't like socks and shoes in the warmer months. If all months were warm, like the tropics, I would save did much money because I wouldn't wear shoes! As to hair, I prefer really low ponytails, too. High ponytails are such a pain on long and thick hair. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

  5. I loved reading your answers, Kaitlyn! =)
    Yes, flowers are amazing!!


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