Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Author Interview: Angela R. Watts

I have a special treat today: Angela Watts and I are interviewing each other on our blogs! I loooove Angela's books, and if you enjoy intense, God-glorifying books, you will, too.

So, on to the interview!

1. Welcome to the blog, Angela! Would you mind telling us a few things about yourself?

Hi, Kaitlyn! I'm Angela, a homeschool graduate who lives on a farm in good ol' Tennessee. I've been writing since I was super tiny and haven't looked back since. I adore animals (hence, farm life), art, and gardening. If I'm not doing one of those things, I'm probably tucked away in my room watching Vines.

2. What would you say is a recurring theme in all of your works?

Redemption. Every person is a liar. The Bible says so. Live a little and you'll see how bad people truly can be. With God, however, every one of us can be saved. We can choose repentance and live a life that honors God--even if it might not be what most Christians consider "Christ-honoring". 

3. Which of your books was the hardest to write? Why?

Seek was very difficult to write for me because of how therapeutic it was. My sole intents while writing that thriller were "God, help me heal" and "Use this novel to help others"... And He said yes to both of those prayers. Seek was hard because I was facing many demons and seeking God's Light no matter what got in my way. It paid off, of course. I've spoken with many readers who say Seek inspired them or helped them realize that they are not crazy when dealing with narcissistic people.

4. To which of your characters are you able to relate the most?

Gideon Hochberg. I can't really explain it besides I'm a very black and white person and he lives the life I sometimes wish I could live. On the flip side, I'm a lot like Rene' Fisher, as well, but that's probably a no brainer for you guys. Fiction needs more gals who aren't afraid to love a lot and cry, right?

5. What is your favorite part of the publishing process?

I adore the writing part. As far as the publishing part... I love sending my book to my formatter. I love seeing the cover grow in the hands of my cover designer. Those final big, fast steps that make me go "WOW, this is happening and I can breathe for .2 seconds before I start launch prep!"... If you get my drift, haha.

6. Any wise words of advice for aspiring authors?

Write and don't pay much heed to the voices, the mentors, the articles... Help is great. Learning about the craft is great. But God gave you a story. A voice. Don't let the rules or the other people drain you out. Write, first and foremost. The growing will come. You grow and become better as you write. You can't grow if you worry too much about opinions and rules.

7. And, last but definitely not least, what lessons do you want your readers to take with them after reading your books?

Hope. Each book has a different message I pray reaches people but in the end... I want to spread hope. Hope that the fight is worth it. Hope that God knows what He's doing. Hope that no one is too lost to be saved. This world is vast and dark... But there is hope in Jesus, always. 

Thank you so much for joining me, Angela! (And y'all, don't forget to visit Angela's Blog for her interview of me!)

Before you go, though—it's promo time! Not only is Ang the author of incredible books like Seek, The Divided Nation, and others, she's also an editor! Go check her out, y'all!

Angela is a fabulous human with a heart for God and others—so go follow her blog and read her books!


  1. Thanks so much for the amazing interview, Kaitlyn! ♥

  2. Great post!! I had fun reading it! :D <3

  3. This was an awesome post! I especially like what you said about writing first, before everything else. Mentors and good intentions can sometimes feel like they're required to follow and tend to drown out new writer's stories. You have a gift and a voice and a story. Don't let anyone stop you! You CAN write a story. Just don't stop!
    I nominated you, Kate, for the Mystery Blogger Award. You can check it out here. :D


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