Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My Camp NaNo Project: Little Boy Blue

Several of you gave me some fabulous questions last week, and today I can't wait to answer them! A few of the questions were repetitions, so I just combined those into one.

What's your potential word count goal?
Oh goodness, this is a hard one . . . I would love for this lil' novel (yes! Novel! I hit 50k this morning!!) to get to 70,000. That's the easy part of the question, haha! But 60,000 might be more of a reasonable goal. We'll see what happens!

What is your story about?
Ahhh, the dreaded question! (am I the only one that finds it super hard to answer this question??) I've got my answer for Beloved all planned out ('a suicidal girl's path to redemption'), but poor Little Boy Blue hasn't been graces with a tagline yet. So I'll give it my best shot. (if only I could've written a synopsis . . . )

In a nutshell, it's about a young man who, by circumstances beyond his control, is thrust into a completely different environment than he's used to—living with Judah and EmmaLee Turner. When tragedy strikes, and changes are yet again forced upon him, he must have the courage to do what needs to be done—no matter the consequences. The nursery rhyme Little Boy Blue ties into the plot.

Oh, it's also a retelling of the biblical story of Joseph. ;)

(there's also like 3 explosions and lots of fistfights and gunfire, jsyk)

(and betrayal)

(and sadness)

Can you give us a mini-bio of the MCs?
Haha! Um, okay . . . I just have to decide which MCs (main characters) to use, as there's only one POV for the whole story.

So, first up, Micah Banner, the official MC. Having grown up as the youngest in a family of all boys (his mom died when he was super young), he's naturally under the impression that life is a fight for survival. With shaggy dark hair and green eyes, his brothers often refer to him as 'pretty boy'—among other things. ;) Having been talked over his whole life, Micah tends to be quiet, but he's also got a bit of a snobby side when it comes to dealing with his brothers!

Next character is Judah Turner. Judah is quiet, reserved, and soft-spoken, until it comes to reining in his younger siblings. If you asked him, he'd say that they're all a bunch of nutcase, but he loves them all anyway. His wife, EmmaLee, is the heart and sole of his life, and she definitely knows how to melt his heart—not that it's hard for her to do!

Last but definitely not least, Shane Turner. Dude's got muscles enough to 'benchpress a Buick' but rarely uses them against his fellow man. (curious now, are, ya?) Shane has a super soft heart, though he definitely won't let anyone take advantage of himself or those he loves. Shane also has an incredibly goofy side (though not as bad as his brother Jayden!) that peeks through . . . well . . . most of the time. Shane is practically addicted to Dr. Pepper.

What inspired you to write this story?
Ha. Hahahahah. Um. Are you ready for a long explanation? I think it was back in '17 (soon after I finished Beloved, I believe—but don't quote me on that. It could've been summer of '18 for all I remember) that I got the idea for a story named Codename: Farmer. Sounds cool, right? Of course! Farmers by day, crimefighters by night, all the MCs a carbon copy of my family. Yeah. It was suuuuper cheesy, and I never really could get much written. So I'd quit, take a break from it for awhile, then try again.

Well, I have no idea how long this went on until I decided to completely change the plot, thanks to a Pinterest prompt (yeah, after writing Beloved, I thought all my inspiration would come from Pinterest. Let this be a lesson: inspiration doesn't always come from the same source every time.) So, this story became Hey Diddle Diddle because I thought it'd be a super cool title (it still is, really), and the big family of farming crimefighters (see? I still cringe just thinking about it) became a lil' boy named Autry who found out that his father, Sorren, was a paid assassin. *gasp* the plot thickens!

But, again, it didn't really work. 

So the story changed. Again. To a dude named Jedidiah whose family worked with the police to solve crime and kick all the bad guys to kingdom come. 

And THEN, the story became Little Boy Blue. Hey Diddle Diddle is what really inspired the plot, but I loved the idea of doing a Bible story retelling. Plus, I had a fabulous (albeit heartbreaking) way to tie in the nursery rhyme.

Does that answer your question? ;)

What is the message you want to get across?
I don't know, actually. When I wrote Beloved, I knew exactly the message I wanted to portray from the moment I started the story. Little Boy Blue's message has evaded me from the beginning; I feel like it's a message that God's going to be teaching me right now, and I won't find it in the story until it's over. But one thing I keep coming back to: God is trustworthy. He is who He says He is.

This certainly seems to be the message that Micah is learning, so I'm excited to see how it turns out. :)

Has this been easier or harder to write than Beloved?
Harder, for sure! In addition to all the revisions I mentioned above, I'm having to write a lot of filler scenes to keep my momentum going, whereas in Beloved, the words just flowed as if from an unending fountain. At times, I've had to force my way through Little Boy Blue, just to get to a place where there's smooth sailing. But, as all my writing friends know, sometimes you do have to just force your way through. It's like that famous quote that says that you have to turn a faucet on in order to get water. Or something like that.

Do you have a favorite character? If so, who is it?
Haha, good question! Um, I can't say that I have a favorite favorite that really sticks out in my mind . . . I love Micah. And Shane. And Judah. And EmmaLee. And Claire. And Jayden. And . . . yeah, all of them.

Have you killed any of your characters?
*Gasp* How could you ask such a question?!

Has restarting your book helped it to move forward in a way you're happy with?
Oh, for sure! When I started it last July, I had no idea what I was doing. Trying to write a story from a married man's point of view was . . . awkward, to say the least. (Tell me I'm not the only one with this problem!) So in Nov. I restarted it from Micah's point of view, and I love it so much better!

What genre is it?
I . . . guess suspense/action? I def wouldn't call it a thriller, but it's not a walk in the park, either. ;)

What do you think? Sound interesting? How's Camp NaNo going for you so far??


  1. Loved hearing more abt LBB!! <3 I can’t wait to read it someday! *winks*

  2. Ahhhhh, I love this! I really cannot wait to read this book!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Katja! *hides in a corner* this baby isn't gonna be able to be read for a looooong time...

  3. This book sounds sooooooo good! :) I look forward to reading it!! <333

    1. Thank you, Ellen! (I hope you'll read it...someday...in the distant future...)

  4. Ooh, this sounds so interesting! The characters definitely have me intrigued. :D And the explosions and fist fights, of course. XD

    Okay but I'm SO glad to find someone else who has to force their way through filler scenes in order to get to the "smooth sailing"! I'm sure most writers have this problem, but I think you're the first person who's put it into words so perfectly. You basically described my writing process. ;D



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