Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Learn About My April Camp NaNo Project

I actually wasn't planning on doing Camp this year . . . but scheduling changed slightly, so I decided on April 1st that I'd give it a go!

This year, I'm working on a story titled Little Boy Blue.

Now wait, you might be thinking, isn't this the same story she did for Camp NaNo July '19? (read that post here)

Wellllll, the answer is yes. But I didn't like the way the story was going, so after taking a months-long break from this baby, I completely restarted it for NaNoWriMo (Nov.) '19, making major revisions. But then, I only got about 26,000 words written.

This month, I'm hoping to finish it! That's not to say that I will . . . but there's always hope, right? ;)

So, instead of taking up precious writing time to try to compile all the facts that y'all might be interested in about my lil' story, I decided to open it up for a Q&A!

You can comment any and every question about Little Boy Blue that you have, and I may or may not answer them all in a post next week!

Questions or comments? *Grins* good! Drop 'em below!


  1. Fun!! I'm doing Camp NaNo this April too! :D What's your potential word count goal? I'm shooting for the slightly simpler goal of 10,000 words (whereas last year it was 50,000). :-) Can't wait to hear more about your project! <3

  2. I'm participating in Camp NaNo too! My story is only a short story though. This is a pretty common question but what is your story about?

  3. IM not excited for this project!! I already love it. Great job on camp!!! My goal was 6k, then I raised it to 10k & I just hit that, so maybe we’ll aim for 15k? We’ll see how college goes... :D
    Here’s my questions: can you give us a mini-bio of the MCs? XD What inspired you to start this story? How long do you plan/originally planned for it to be?

  4. Cool beans! Here’s some questions:

    What is the message you hope to get across?
    Has this been easier or harder to write than Beloved?
    Do you have a favorite character, if so who is it?
    Target audience?
    Have you killed any of your characters? XD

  5. Good luck with your story! And ooh, a book Q&A sounds like so much fun!

    Has restarting your book helped it to move forward in a way you're happy with?
    What genre is it?
    Who's the main character?

    I look forward to hearing more about it. :D



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