Sunday, May 30, 2021

Bookish Bestie Q&A

August 11th, 2020, I met my best friend in person for the first time.

Livi (some of you veteran bloggers may remember her as Livi Jane, formerly of the blog Living for the Other Side) and I have been writing/critique partners (which somehow became friends before we realized what was happening...I guess I have that effect on people *shrugs*) for several years, and our dream of meeting in person finally became reality when she came for a visit last summer.

Well, the exciting news is, she's coming again next week! This time, we thought it would be fun to do a Q&A here on the blog!

What kind of questions should you ask? Honestly, you could ask us anything...buuuuut we prefer bookish or movie/TV show-esque questions. 'Cause, ya know, books are kinda what brought us together. And we love watching movies together. *grins*

(Plus, this is a bookish blog, sooooo)

So. Comment below with your questions for us, and we'll answer them together when she's here next week!


  1. Awwww, that's so cool how you two are seeing each other again!!! Here are my questions:
    1. What's your favorite book? (Yes, I'm doing the illegal one!) ;P
    2. What's your favorite character in each other's books? (i.e. Kaitlyn's favorite character in Livi's book and vice versa)
    3. If you could be the protagonist in any book which would it be and why?
    4. What was the first movie you two watched together?
    5. Do you both share a favorite movie/TV show and if so what is it?
    Hope you have fun answering those and I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! :D

  2. What is a book one of you love and the other hates?
    Do you share other interests besides books and movies?
    Favorite tropes and least favorite tropes?
    Share some more about becoming friends. Like maybe something particular y'all bonded over.

    Have fun and enjoy the time together!

  3. What’s a fandom you’re both part of? One that only one of you is part of?

  4. Aw, funnn!!

    Here’s some bookish questions for y’all:

    If you could recommend a childhood favorite book series to each other, what would it be?
    What’s you both’s favorite authors?
    If you could only read one genre for the rest of your life, what would you each pick?
    What book surprised you the most?
    Dog earing a book is illegal, yes or no?
    What’s your most favorite book cover design?
    Long or short chapters?

    And some movie questions:

    Have you both seen Sue Thomas???
    Best western?
    What’s your favorite series?
    Childhood favorite?
    Do you love or only tolerate musicals?


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