Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Bookish News


(Yet, anyway.)

Just had to get that idea out of your heads at the beginning, hehe!

But what is this bookish news I speak of, you ask?

Good question!


If you may remember, a year ago (come Thursday, that is) Faith Potts and I each published a book on World Suicide Prevention Day. Our books have been out in the wild for an entire year. #mindblown

September is suicide prevention month. This is what prompted Faith and I to launch our books, Freedom and Beloved when we did. Because every single life matters. Because no matter what you may think, there is light at the end of this tunnel, even if you can't see it.

You are not alone.

You are loved. So, so much.

So, to commemorate the anniversary of these stories, Faith and I are hosting an Instagram challenge! #MyReasontoLive2020 is all about spreading life and hope, and if you're on Insta, come join!! (have I mentioned that there's a giveaway??)

In other news, Beloved is is ON SALE on Kindle right now for just $0.99 through Friday! Go snag your copy now!

Come join our challenge and spread hope! 


  1. Sounds like a great challenge! If I had an Insta, I'd totally join. ;) Hope you get lots of participants!

  2. I'm so glad you're hosting this challenge! <3 Depression and suicide is something I'm really passionate about.

  3. A giveaway!? Too bad I don't have Instagram.

  4. Sounds amazing!! If I had Insta, I'd definitely plan to join!! I read Freedom and absolutely loved it! <3 Beloved has been on my TBR, and now I want to read it even more . . . I think I'll be getting it while it's on sale!!!


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